Sado line - New trains and times starting 15 December
There will be adjustments to the Sado Line train times starting 15 December:
- Changes to the times of some trains - the train times are now staggered, with departures from Barreiro at 25 and 55 minutes part the hour (except for the last train, which remains unchanged at 00:29) and from Praias Sado - A at 10 and 40 minutes part the hour (except for the first train from Setúbal at 05:08).
- Change in rolling stock - increases the number of seats available and the number of doors per train, improving travelling comfort, facilitating boarding and disembarking at stations and, the punctuality of the service provided.
See the Sado lline train times from 15 December 2024.
Please consult the customer care line for further details. National calls: 210 900 032 (Price of a call to the fixed network according to your tariff) or 808 109 110 (Price of a local call according to your tariff, with a maximum of €0.07 + VAT for the first minute and €0.0277 + VAT for each subsequent minute on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. or €0.0084 + VAT from 9 p.m. to 9 a.m., weekends and public holidays, as defined by Anacom), or CP Customer Assistance Offices and Ticket Offices.