Beira Alta line - restart of tran servives between Mangualde amd Celorico da Beira

Trains will run again on the Beira Alta Line,between Mangualde and Celorico da Beira stations as of 30 March 2025.

Connections to Intercidades and Regional trains, on the Coimbra B - Guarda - Coimbra B route, will continue to be provided by a replacement bus service.

Check the train and bus times  and replacement bus stops from 30 March.

Up-to-date information on the works on the Beira Alta Line can be found here.

Please consult the customer care line for further details. National calls: 210 900 032 (Price of a call to the fixed network according to your tariff) or 808 109 110 (Price of a local call according to your tariff, with a maximum of €0.07 + VAT for the first minute and €0.0277 + VAT for each subsequent minute on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. or €0.0084 + VAT from 9 p.m. to 9 a.m., weekends and public holidays, as defined by Anacom), or CP Customer Assistance Offices and Ticket Offices.