
CP and CASA join forces to help those most in need this Christmas

Campaign in support of homeless people

In a joint effort to support homeless people and families in need, CP - Comboios de Portugal and CASA - Centro de Apoio ao Sem Abrigo have launched a solidarity drive for this Christmas. CASA posters will be displayed in various CP train carriages from December onwards appealing to passengers' solidarity to give donations that will make a difference to the lives of many.

The campaign aims to raise awareness of the reality of those living in vulnerable situations and to encourage the donation of goods that will help make Christmas warmer and more dignified. Passengers can donate directly to CASA, which is committed to distributing food, clothing, hygiene products and other essential items to homeless people and families who need them most.

CP has also launched a Christmas tree competition for its 4,000 employees (Sorrisos de Esperança), in which each team sets out to collect goods for the various CASA branches or other social organisations close to them, thus translating the true values of the Christmas spirit to your railway family.

About CASA

‘CASA - Centro de Apoio ao Sem Abrigo (Homeless Support Centre) is an institution that provides assistance to people in need, with a focus on supporting homeless people and their social reintegration.

Every day it distributes food and basic necessities on the street and at people's homes. It also provide psychological support services and referrals to public services dedicated to situations of extreme need.

It's mission is to help those who are homeless, who are part of families at risk or families in need, through social solidarity actions, providing close contact, food, clothing, accommodation and social integration services, regardless of social status, ethnicity, religion or gender.

It's our vision to create a world in which everyone can be free from suffering and its causes by helping with basic human needs such as food, clothing, accommodation and social integration.

To find out more about CASA and the work it does 365 days a year, you can visit its website:https://www.casa-apoioaosemabrigo.org/

You can make your contribution using one of the following methods:'

    • Bank transfer via IBAN: PT50 0036 0344 99100004466 95.
    • Through MBWAY: 967 700 837