Quality and Safety Management

Get to know our Quality and Safety Management.

Customer satisfaction and safety, employee motivation, competitiveness, growing market demands, as well as the economic and social situation, encourage CP to keep and develop a Quality Management System (QMS) and a Safety Management System (SMS), which are increasingly proving to be tools to support an integrated management of the company.

The implementation of the Quality Management System (QMS) in CP began in 1999, the same year in which the QMS – covering its major rolling stock repair workshops (the then called EMEF, a CP Group Company) – was certified according to NP EN ISO9002:1995. 

In January 2020, EMEF integrated CP, maintaining CP's QMS which was certified according to standard NP EN ISO 9001 in the field of passenger transportation service. Likewise, as a result of such integration, CP now has the QMS certification in the industrial field, covering the design, manufacturing, maintenance and repair of rolling stock and its components, and re-railing operations. You can check the key moments and the Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction Report

Aware of the challenges posed by the Market and Regulation, the existing System provides support to enable the integration of significant aspects common to other certified management systems. Therefore, we are able to coordinate and respond efficiently to the certification requirements of other Management Systems, such as the European Union's regulatory requirements, applicable to Railway Rolling Stock Maintenance Workshops, within the scope of the "Certification System of Entities in charge of Maintenance”. 

We believe in a sustained and socially responsible development of the rolling stock maintenance system, aimed at meeting the expectations of our Customers and rail transport users, always bearing in mind that the Safety of Railway Rolling Stock is a permanent and fundamental value for CP. 

Calibration Laboratory - Accreditation NP EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 

Reinforcing the commitment to Quality, a Quality Management System was developed at EMEF, in the Testing and Metrology Laboratory, accredited by IPAC - Portuguese Institute for Accreditation, in accordance with standard NP EN ISO/IEC 17025, ensuring standards of accuracy and reliability according to this demanding international standard, in the calibration services provided both internally and externally. This Laboratory, located in Entroncamento, is accredited to perform calibrations in the dimensional, electricity, moment and pressure fields. 

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/779

CP has had an ERM certificate (in the four functions of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/779) since 20/04/2020 for the maintenance and repair of conventional freight wagons, including wagons for hazardous materials, issued by Associação Portuguesa para a Normalização e Certificação Ferroviária – APNCF (Portuguese Association for Railway Standardisation and Certification). 

This certification derives from the merger by incorporation of EMEF into CP on 01/01/2020 and is a continuation of EMEF's previous ERM certificate issued in 2013. 

Following a concession audit carried out at the end of the first half of 2022, CP is also the holder of the ERM certificate (in the four functions of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/779) for the maintenance and repair of passenger rolling stock, engines, railcars and carriages.

The Management System Policy was approved by the CP Board of Directors in July 2024. (Portuguese only)

The last Management Systems  Policy was approved by the Board of Directors of CP in July 2024. (Portuguese only)