
Inclusive mobility

CP boosts its commitment to improve assistance services

Since the 2000s, CP has been investing in adapting its fleet and improving assistance services for boarding and disembarking customers. It created its Integrated Mobility Service (SIM) and set up a Counsellor for Customers with Specific Needs and a Consultative Council for Customers with Specific Needs.

This monitoring work also includes a continuous understanding of European legislation and new guidelines (such as the future European Disability Card), as well as the legislation applicable to any new or refurbished rolling stock.

In 2024, CP Comboios de Portugal took significant steps towards making its services more accessible to people with reduced mobility with innovative ideas and improvements to its services and infrastructure:

  • Access Lifts for the Electric Regional Units
    CP has completed the installation of wheelchair-accessible lifts in 55 regional electric units for the Minho, Norte, and Beira Baixa lines and, shortly, for the Beira Alta, Ramal de Tomar, Alfarelos and Figueira da Foz lines, with plans to expand to the Algarve. These trains also have universal access toilets, spaces for manoeuvring wheelchairs and visual and audio information systems for passengers.
  • Accessibility to Porto Urban Train Stations
    To improve accessibility, CP purchased ramps for Porto's urban trains, allowing passengers with wheelchairs to board and disembark at all stations on this network.
  • Accessibility on the Cascais Line
    CP also acquired portable ramps for the Cascais Line trains, increasing the accessibility of stations.
  • New Projects for the Intercidades Service
    CP started the project to adapt the bar carriages of the Intercidades service, with the installation of universal toilets, an adapted cafeteria, a lift to access the train and visual and audio information systems for a more inclusive and comfortable experience.
  • Acquisition of New Electric Multiple Units
    CP is acquiring 117 new electric multiple units (62 for the Lisbon and Porto urban services and 55 for the regional service), which comply with all European accessibility standards. These new units allow passengers with wheelchairs to board autonomously at all stations with platforms at 760 mm, as well as an assisted boarding system on other platforms with different heights.
  • Expanding Accessibility in Stations
    The number of accessible stations increased from 139 to 216 in 2024, thanks to improvements to rolling stock and station infrastructure.
  • Real-Time Information
    CP implemented the real-time information project, which improves customer journey management.
  • Adapted Vending Machines
    CP has begun the installation of new vending machines at various stations, which respect accessibility standards, ensuring that all passengers are respected when buying tickets.

Shortly, CP intends to implement other measures to modernise the train fleet and improve the associated infrastructure and services in close cooperation with Infraestruturas de Portugal and other transport operators, promoting inclusive intermodality.