
Press release

On Monday morning, some union leaders from the unions that called tthat day's strike made statements to the press that don't correspond to the truth.

The Board of Directors of CP - Comboios de Portugal has always been available to meet, listen and negotiate with the unions, having met several times and the last of these meetings took place last Saturday afternoon, with the aim of reaching an agreement on the revision of the company's Career Regulations.

At all the meetings, including last Saturday's, CP's Board of Directors presented the unions with the same negotiating conditions as those agreed with the train drivers‘ (SMAQ) and overhaulers’ (SFRCI) unions. These conditions include a wage increase of 1.5% and an increase in the meal allowance to €9.20 per day, both with effect from 1 August.

It's important to emphasise that these increases are in addition to the pay rises that the company already awarded to all employees at the beginning of the year, following negotiations also held with the unions.

Therefore, CP's Board of Directors does not accept the accusation that the proposal sent later and agreed with the unions was different from what was previously agreed at that meeting. What has happened is that every time CP's Board of Directors tries to satisfy one of the unions' demands in order to achieve the cancellation of the strike, the unions come up with a new demand with pecuniary content.

CP treats all its workers fairly and equally and therefore does not agree to negotiate different pay conditions for its workers. By refusing to reach an agreement and sign the agreement on the Career Regulations, these unions are harming their members by preventing them from receiving the 1.5% increase and the increase in the meal allowance to €9.20, like the rest of the company's workers.

CP is a public company and manages resources that belong to everyone. CP's Board of Directors wants the best for its workers, but always responsibly and without jeopardising the company's viability and the service it provides to its passengers.

We appeal to the good sense of the unions and reiterate that CP remains available to negotiate and satisfy the unions' demands, as long as these do not jeopardise the sustainability of the company and the jobs of the remaining workers.

Sónia Rodrigues
Communications Director