The Let's help movement, join us!

In 2025, be the change you want to see in the world

CP supports charitable causes that transform lives and make a difference in our communities. This year, we invite you to join us and support these initiatives, contributing to a 2025 full of hope, solidarity and happiness.

Every gesture counts, and your support can bring joy and well-being to those who need it most.

We're counting on you, help and do good for yourself and others. Thank you.

CRESCER is a charity that was founded in 2001 by a group of professionals specialising in community intervention with excluded and vulnerable groups. Its mission is to reach out to others, promoting health, risk reduction and the inclusion of people in vulnerable situations through community intervention projects.

They mainly provide support to three target groups:

  • People experiencing homelessness
  • People who use psychoactive substances
  • Refugees, asylum seekers and migrants

Through 29 intervention projects and 9 social businesses, CRESCER supports more than 2,500 beneficiaries every year in Lisbon.

Your donation will help to support the people who need it most.

Ways to donate:

  • MBWAY 965 063 318
  • Bank transfer PT50 0018 0003 48311690 0204 8
  • Show solidarity at the ATM or MBWAY

To find out more:

One donation of blood can save three lives

CP is a partner of SANGFER - Grupo Ferroviário de Donadores de Sangue (Railway Group of Blood Donors), supporting this association and publicising its monthly blood collection events, which are open to the general community.

Give blood, a drop of life. 

Support Animais de Rua

CP - Comboios de Portugal is committed to its Social Responsibility by actively supporting the animal cause. We believe that the protection and welfare of animals are essential for a fairer and more sustainable society.

CP supports initiatives that promote responsible adoption, combat animals being abandonned and raise awareness of animal rights.

We invite everyone to join this campaign by Animais de Rua.

Animais de Rua is a non-profit association set up in 2008 to improve the living conditions of homeless animals through sterilisation, monitoring and medical treatment, feeding and promoting the responsible adoption of docile animals.

There are several areas of operation across the country - Porto, Vila Nova de Gaia, Matosinhos, Maia, Gondomar, Esposende, Vila do Conde, Lisbon, Sintra, Cascais, Amadora, São Miguel (Azores), Vila Nova de Foz Côa, Alcácer do Sal, Benavente and Palmela - and this association's work focuses on implementing and managing a stray animal sterilisation programme, in partnership with municipalities and cat colony carers, using the CSD method (Capture-Sterilise-Devolve).

At the same time, they run an adoption programme for docile animals that are waiting for their final families while they live in Temporary Foster Homes; they raise awareness among children and young people through an Educational Programme; they run information campaigns, awareness-raising actions and provide training in the area of animal welfare.

So far, Animais de Rua has helped more than 58,000 animals and is counting on your help to increase this number.

With your contribution, you are supporting the sterilisation, medical treatment and feeding of an animal. Make your donation:

  • MBWay: 910 136 030
  • Ser Solidário: at the Multibanco or MBWay (search for Animais de Rua)
  • Bank Transfer: PT50 0065 0921 0020 1240 0093 1

As part of its social responsibility, CP is supporting RD-Portugal (Union of Rare Disease Associations of Portugal) in a campaign to mark another World Rare Disease Day on 28 February 2025, asking everyone to contribute to this idea.

The campaign will be displayed on CP communication channels (CP website, posters on trains and video line-ups on the Alfa Pendular) and also has the support of all CP employees.

RD-Portugal (Union of Rare Disease Associations of Portugal)

RD-Portugal, the official partner of Rare Disease Day, is marking World Rare Disease Day with all the initiatives it usually carries out and with something new: the Much more than you can imagine campaign.

Anyone can ...

... take part in much more than they realise.

... publicise much more than they realise

... help much more than they can imagine!

Get involved this February. Take part in RD's projects, share the campaign materials, light up your home or office, promote the lighting of buildings and publicise the campaign video, share a photo with your anti-stress cube. We'll make a mural with all the photos.

To find out more, click here.

RD-Portugal (Union of Rare Disease Associations of Portugal) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to defending and promoting the rights and interests of individuals and their families affected by rare diseases and/or disabilities resulting from these conditions. It currently comprises 48 organisations.

Its mission is to put rare diseases on the agenda every day of the year, not just on World Rare Disease Day.

RD-Portugal's projects currently focus on education (Informing without dramatising), carers (CUIDARaro), the medical community (Roadshow) and the Scientific Council, and it is developing a project on the Digital Economy and Transition with the Digital Building and Shared Services for members.

RD-Portugal will be marking another World Rare Disease Day on 28 February 2025. We're counting on your support to publicise it through simple, symbolic actions. For more information on the World Rare Disease Day campaign, visit our website.

You can also make a donation, which is of the utmost importance for the development of our work:

  • MBWAY - 916 292 292
  • Bank transfer - PT50.0036.0000.99105940373.41 


We can't change the weather, but we can change people's living conditions.

Thousands of people have been forced to flee and will face winter far from home, in temporary shelters, with few resources or means to keep warm

Join Portugal's humanitarian response with UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency's national partner, and help protect these families.

UNHCR is stepping up its response ahead of the cold. In Afghanistan and neighbouring countries such as Pakistan, families have faced decades of conflict, poverty, hunger and natural disasters. UNHCR builds shelters, provides heaters and supports families with monetary aid for food, clothing and fuel to protect them from the harsh winter.

Since the invasion of Ukraine, millions have fled their homes and faced winters in temporary accommodation. The government is repairing destroyed buildings, distributing insulation kits, and offering monetary support. In neighbouring countries such as Moldova, it helps with integration and access to employment.

In the Middle East, families in Syria are facing another winter away from home. UNHCR teams are in Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon, providing solar lamps and heaters, repairing shelters, and providing monetary and health assistance.

Donate to the ACNUR winter appeal today


"The excuses for what he did to you are countless. Every day was different, except they weren't". This is the motto of the most recent national campaign to prevent and combat physical and psychological domestic violence organised by the Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality (CIG), with the support of Portugal's secretary of state for equality and migration.
The initiative was presented on the same day that various entities across the country signed or renewed their commitment to the Pact against Violence, a project that aims to create and formalise a network of partner entities to mobilise emergency responses and support the work of the structures of the National Support Network for Victims of Domestic Violence.
The main goal is to prevent and combat domestic violence in Portugal, which is a serious problem.
In 2022, there were 28 fatalities in the context of domestic violence, and the number of complaints was the highest in the last four years, with more than 30,000 cases recorded, according to the Domestic Violence Portal.
If you need help or want to report a case, call 112 or 800 202 148. Domestic violence is a criminal offence.
Find out more at the Domestic Violence portal.